I like that oldy 🙂 I continue to  use psycho -education in my work with  the hemophilia community.

This was my presentation  in July 2010  in  the WFH Congress: How to integrate psychosocial discipline in comprehensive care

Gosto muito desta  velha apresentação feita em 2010, no Congresso Internacional de Hemofilia em Buenos Aires: proponho olhar para o conceito de ser um Psico -Educador como agente que aborda os temas psicosociais, atende a pessoa com hemofilia e seus familiares, más desde uma perspectiva  Educacional: INFORMAR PARA FORMAR  novas atitudes e comportamentos relacionados à uma condição crônica ….que possam nos ajudar a viver melhor e mais felizes.


About frederica cassis

My name is Frederica Dillen CASSIS, born of a Belgium mother and an Egyptian father, on the 3rd of January 1966 in Brussels, Belgium. I´ve travelled a lot, lived in many countries. Brazil is my seventh country and i live in Sao Paulo for 19 years now. Graduated in Clinical Psychology in 1991, I specialized in Junguian Psychology and in Hemophilia since then. LATEST PROJECTS: 1) Launching IN-HEMOACTION flash cards, where I added new topics like Inhibitors and their different treatments, physiotherapy and a some playful activities like video games! 2) HERO (Hemophilia Experiences Results and Opportunities) sponsored by Novo Nordisk since 2009, exploring through qualitative and quantitative analysis the psychosocial issues involving People with hemophilia, their carers and the health professionals in the treatment process. check this project in my blog www.blood4.wordpress.com Now, HERO is in Brazil! soon the results will be available. 2) P-TET (Pediatric Thrombosis Educational Tool) flash cards in evolution stage, for kids on anti-coagulant treatment...inspired on IN-HEMOACTION flashcards success. 3) I am a co-author along with psychologist Irene Fuchs and Edward Kuebler of a booklet called "Communication, love and sexuality for people with hemophilia, carriers and family" 4) an on going process of a systematic review for the Cochrane Collaboration about "psychological interventions for people with hemophilia and their families" On a more personal level i have 3 three great not anymore children :) Danaê 24, Rubi 18 and Iggy 15) and i love to jogg, dance and read. To walk and look for shells on a beach too and I discover that i love deserts...:)

2 responses »

  1. Dear Frederica Cassis,

    I’m sorry to be writing you at this post to ask permission to reproduce two of your pictures in a hemophilia patient education book that is being sponsored by Pfizer Inc.

    I am writing from ENA Healthcare Communications in Shrewsbury, New Jersey to ask if we may reproduce two Hemoaction Cards: No. 1 and No. 4

    If you would like to see the book before making a decision, I would be happy to forward you a preliminary copy.

    Thanks very much for your help.

    Robyn Douglas
    Program Administration
    ENA Healthcare Communications

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